Women Notice Me NOW!

by Stephen

When I helped a desirable lady study for an exam, she offered to pay me. Knowing that she didn't have money and as she was a friend, I asked her to help me to not be 'invisible' to the women I desired.

Soo tired was I of having women look at the fly behind my head as they viewed a room at a party or nightclub.

The rest is amazing.

As she enlisted another lady's help, we set out and I bought new shirts, pants, belt, shoes, socks, cologne, and had a new hair style - including some 'foils'!

As the checkout girl looked into my eyes, I knew that progress was being made. Not only workmates complimented my look, leaving the 70's 'wild man from Borneo' behind, but now at parties and clubs I do get the first look too.

One shirt looked as good as another to me, but to the ladies there was a world of difference. So I am not mutton dressed up as lamb as I do like all their choices.

So if you want a job done well, ask the experts.
