Trying Too Hard With Women

Most Guys Make This Mistake and It Is Deadly

by Oldmanofthesea

When a girl says you are trying too hard, what this means at the absolute highest possible level is that you view the girl as above you.

As more powerful than you, as more valuable than you, as a prize that you must work to win.

Women don't want that.

Women want a man they feel is just out of their league, who they aren't sure if they can get and lock down, and who they are constantly anxious over because of this feeling.

When you view a woman as above you, and something you need to work to win, it colors EVERYTHING you do and say.

It colors how often you contact her, how fast you reply, the things you say to her, how often you want to see her, the nice things you do for her, how you respond to various things she says.

Each and every action you put forth will confirm this to the woman, and each time this happens, it reduces your value in her eyes and convinces her that you are below her, not deserving of her, and that she could do much better than you.

She dries up and moves on to someone she thinks is higher value.

That is really it.

Now, how do you change that?

That's game.

At first, you have to learn to EMULATE how a a masculine man with success with women acts. Then as you implement those behaviors and mindsets, you will EVOLVE into that very man.

Start by asking yourself how a guy who could have any woman he wants would act in any given situation with a woman.

Think of guys who have really good success with women and ask yourself in any given situation with a woman, what would they do?

Would they shower a woman with praise, gifts, and act like they hope they like them?

If one of those women acted bratty and made an unreasonable demand of them would they submit to them?

If a woman disagreed with something they said would the man change his opinion so as not to offend her?

If they asked a girl out on a date and she said "maybe" do you think they'd keep asking?

Would he be afraid to walk away from a woman and never look back?

A person could write an entire book on all the many ways a man covertly communicates his value to a woman.

SoSuave Note: With most things in life, the harder you try, the harder you work, the more time and effort you put into something, the more likely you are to be successful.

Unfortunately, this doesn't work with women.

The more effort you put into trying to "win" a woman, the LESS likely you are to get her. Your energy and effort will make you seem desperate and undeserving.

Illogical, of course.

But this is dating, not engineering.