I Have to Beat the Women Off with a Club
I'd like to offer a follow-up tip to Jason's tip about swing dancing. Mostly, because he is on the right track, but failed to elaborate further.
Swing dancing is fun, but Latin dances are where it's at. Why are they called the dances of love? And believe me, the ladies love the heat generated by the mating ritual when played to the Latin rhythm.
Let me explain.
Since a lot of clubs understand this, they have special nights for special dances. The one I swear by is Salsa.
There are a number of clubs around here where they offer free lessons, say from 8 pm to 9 pm, with the regular dancing troupe hitting the floors after that. No partner is needed to attend these classes either. In fact, why would you bring sand to the beach anyway?
Hopefully, the male/female ratio is close to being even, but when it isn't, I have never seen more men than women. So, during the instruction hour everyone stands around watching a segment of the routine being taught that night, and after watching the ten steps or so, everyone takes a partner and practices.
The awesome part is after about a minute or two, one of the genders moves to the next opposite gender. So what you have at the end of the hour is a lot of broken ice because you have danced with every women there at least two or three times.
Who do you think the women end up dancing with the rest of the night, and the following week, and the week after that?
Get ready to beat them off with a club if you are afraid of women doing the chasing.
What works really well too is if the guy makes it look like he has two left feet, because the best ladies are the ones that are the givers.
I've had more than one help me get it right for the rest of the night...