Topic: She has a BF. Is she really interested, or out for attention?
Master Don Juan
posted 03-14-2002 11:53 AM
I was asked by a DJ to give my thoughts on this, so I will. I know many guys don't like the idea of messing with a girl that has a BF, and I respect that, this post is for the other fellas like myself.I do not condone stealing a girl from a guy persay. The only way I handle this is to let the girl show interest in me, then I may show interest in her. I have had this happen numerous times, and all I can put it down to is that alot of hot girls have BF's they aren't happy with. But as we know they'll keep the chump until another guy peeks their curiosity. I won't get into the moral issues of what these girls are like, for example thinking they'll leave you for another guy too. It may happen, but that can happen with any girl. Also keep in mind all the fallout that can occur, so don't do this to friends and such. I think we all know to asess things like this first. Also I have to give alot of credit to Pook for educating us on this subject. I'll try to post a link to the threads that he wrote on this subject. All I can say is for a long time I thought if she had a BF, I had no chance. But in the past 5 years or so, I learned otherwise. Do not overlook the fact the fact that many of these girls will want to get involved with you behind the chumps back. No strings attatched sex. This is a fact. Is it wrong to do? Probably, but has it happened to me? Yes. The girl made me the chump I just mentioned. So it's just life, I choose to seize opportunities like this, after all I am living life for me, not some chump BF. OK, here is what I've experienced. When these girls were interested, I was showing no interest in them, posiibly ignoring them because they had a BF. I never spoke of girls I was seeing or of their BF. In fact these girls usually knew very little about me. Yes we all know they may act interested for the attention, but I don't think it's hard to determine if it's true interest. Look for the normal signs of attraction of course. I noticed that like all girls, they will be asking about you behind your back, possibly to your friends, despite their BF. If they mention the BF to you, don't worry, doesn't mean shyt, so act unphased. When they did I'd usually ask something like, "How long have you been seeing each other" If she is interested, she is metioning him to see how you react. So don't go AFC, and look defeated when she mentions the chump. I think they mention him to clear their own conciense, so that when you are banging her she doesn't feel guilty, because she told you of the BF, yet you still banged her. See boys, it's always our fault, that is the way they see it. Here is a link to Pook's thoughts on the type of talk to look for when she is blabbing about the BF. He is dead on. The only part I disagree with is that it has to be a one on one encounter between you. I don't know if he meant it had to, but I know it doesn't have to be just you and the girl, others may be present. Other than the normal signs of interest, I think the info Pook wrote there is VERY valuable in determining if her interest is real. If they haev flirted, and given you a chance to make a move, but you didn't, and then the BF talk starts or increases, rest assured she wants you and the chump is actually being used by her to get you, what a sucker! It's funny to watch this happen, so don't burst out laughing when they are giving you social proof through the chump, ok. It really is hilarious, the guy is totally cluless, and the girl too, if you already know she wants you.
Since wer'e on that topic, this is a way again to see if she is really interested. I've only used this once, cause it's too hard to keep from laughing, but I did pull it off this time. Here's what happened. I knew she was interested, she asked me if I was going to a bar where we all hung out regularly. Now think, she wasn't going with us, but she showed up there with the chump BF, cause she had flirted and given me chance to make a move and I didn't bite. So she is hanging al over the chump so I'll see she is desired. BTW, I ignored her hello and her most of the night. So you'll notice she'll try to get you to notice her with the chump BF. Anyway I tested her when she walked away from him to talk to a friend, leaving chump BF all alone. I didn't know him, but I bought the chump a beer and sat down to talk to him. We could not have talked more than 45 seconds before she rushed over to him, looking flustered,and whispered to him for them to leave. Now don't bust out laughing if this shyt happens to you, so prepare yourself beforehand, cause it's funny. So if she acts nervous when you and the BF are around each other, especially talikng to each other, she is really interested. Also kino is a superb way of guaging her interest and letting her no you are interested in a subtle way. If she returns your kino, SHE WANTS YOU! I have NEVER had a girl, BF or not, that returned my kino, that wasn't truly interested. And about her flirting and givng you a chance to make a move and you don't, this will drive her crazy, you'll be more of a challenge, and she'll be dying to have you. But don't take it too far.
Oh yea, I also know that I don't talk about other girls in this situation, that's up to you. But if you have other's mention you and some girl, see how your target reacts. You'll see if it really bothers her. Of course if it does, true interest. If you are around other girls take note of how she acts, she won't like it worth a shyt, even though she has a chump BF where she is getting sex from, she, through her actions, will forbid you from being with another girl. That is about all I can think of at the moment. If I think of anymore, I'll add them. Hope this helps a little, although most of it's elementary, but I've missed the signals before, so I know you gotta be keen. Later--Crowes
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Master Don Juan
posted 03-14-2002 12:01 PM
Damn, I meant to post this in the tips section. Maybe the moderators will move it. IP: |
Master Don Juan
posted 03-14-2002 12:03 PM
OK, no I'm not losing it. It is in the tips section.IP: |
Master Don Juan
posted 03-14-2002 12:13 PM
Can you tell me how do we analyze women and check whether she is wanting you or is she just talking about her boyfriend to push you off?Well, what I am expecting here is some sort of signs/techniques that I can rely on if there are any. IP: |
Master Don Juan
posted 03-14-2002 12:17 PM
Touching is definetly a HUGE sign. When you have a boyfriend you are happy with and head over ass for, touching another guy is not even in the realm of your thoughts. IP: |
Master Don Juan
posted 03-14-2002 01:05 PM
quote: Originally posted by IntermediateDonJuaner: Can you tell me how do we analyze women and check whether she is wanting you or is she just talking about her boyfriend to push you off?Well, what I am expecting here is some sort of signs/techniques that I can rely on if there are any.
Yea man, the shyt I wrote above. Also I thought of this. I have had 2 girls do this that had BF's so it's not concrete but it may be something to take note of. Say the chump BF is named Tom. Now instead of her calling him Tom around you, she'll refer to the chump as 'my boyfreind'. Not all the time, sure she's gonna call him by name some. Also if she is equating things you do to the things her chump BF does. For example, let's say she knows you ride motorcycles. She may say if the topic is mentioned, "My chump BF rides motorcycles" It may not be true, but she may be telling you that you are her type or that she wants YOU as her BF, not the chump she is currently with. Also I noticed that if she wants to keep the BF, but have you bang her behind the chumps back, she won't ask you things about yourself. She may ask what you did today or whenever, but nothing that would reveal what type of guy you are. She doesn't care about that, she just wants you to bang her. Now if you fukk her good enough, she may wish to dump the chump and be with you, so keep this in mind. IP: |
Don Juan
posted 03-14-2002 03:27 PM
Thanks excellent primer!One question though... She has done all the "advertising" know (from her) about the bf...she knows, you know about the bf. She's given you the correct signals so you hit her up... And then she comes up with the blatantly *obvious* (but, oh, so *innocent*), "Oh, I thought you knew I had a boyfriend?!" Would you consider this even more smoke-screen or at this point write her off as an drama queen? Your thoughts? [This message has been edited by Stroke Artist (edited 03-14-2002).] IP: |
Master Don Juan
posted 03-14-2002 03:31 PM
can you say monkey or next branch?IP: |
Master Don Juan
posted 03-14-2002 04:40 PM
Good post Crowes22!Legend IP: |
Master Don Juan
posted 03-14-2002 04:55 PM
Hey Crowes,I just remembered a response by Pook on another post he responsed to that Wyldfire started. It compliments the whole idea in your post and the link you posted. Here it is: Take Care,
Legend [This message has been edited by Don the Legend (edited 03-14-2002).] IP: |
Master Don Juan
posted 03-14-2002 07:01 PM
Hey thanks Don the Legend, that is the other one I was wanting to post, but I didn't have time to look for it then. I appreciate it.IP: |
Master Don Juan
posted 03-14-2002 07:12 PM
quote: Originally posted by Stroke Artist: Thanks excellent primer!One question though... She has done all the "advertising" know (from her) about the bf...she knows, you know about the bf. She's given you the correct signals so you hit her up... And then she comes up with the blatantly *obvious* (but, oh, so *innocent*), "Oh, I thought you knew I had a boyfriend?!" Would you consider this even [b]more smoke-screen or at this point write her off as an drama queen? Your thoughts? [This message has been edited by Stroke Artist (edited 03-14-2002).][/B]
I'm assuming you mean like you went for the kiss and she pulled away, saying 'I thought you knew I had a BF'. I'd be pissed. I have not had that happen though.
But that is why it's important to look for the subconcious signals (the ones they can't control) from these women, not from single women. Like her being nervous, skin flushing red around you, sparkling eyes, eye contact then she looks down and away. That's why kino is good, it's very hard to hide that you are not comfortable w/ a persons touch you're not attracted to. Think man, if a guys hand brushes yours (innocently hopefully) ya know how it makes your damn skin crawl. But you can't just rely on kino either. You need to look at the whole picture if you are trying to determine if her interest is genuine. That is where it's different from single women, you don't need to analyze as much, if at all.
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Master Don Juan
posted 03-15-2002 02:16 PM
crowes22great post as usual IP: |
Master Don Juan
posted 03-15-2002 05:42 PM
I believe it really really depends on the girl.If she is really flirty, in otherwords, an ATTENTION *****, you are basically running into a brick wall splattered with the bodies of dozens of other afcs that have run into it before you. But if she is more normal, and looks like she has taken a special liking to you, it will be really easy to take her. IP: |
Master Don Juan
posted 03-19-2002 10:56 AM
I got this link from a fellow DJ along time ago. I can't remember who. It may or may not help. Use what you can. IP: |
Master Don Juan
posted 03-19-2002 07:59 PM
Once agian, thanks Don the Legend, for adding more info, it's appreciated. --CrowesIP: |
Master Don Juan
posted 07-21-2002 06:01 PM
I back up the observation when a woman's interested, she refers to the boyfriend as "my boyfriend," not his name. It, in some sort of way, distances her from her boyfriend. Saying the name is vey intimate, whereas the generic "my boyfriend" comes off cold. Also, how long until she mentions the boyfriend is important; if she mentions him right off the bat, she just might not be interested, whereas if it's a long while (or never!) she didn't want to you to flee. Clouseau
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Master Don Juan
posted 07-22-2002 11:27 AM
I'd have to disagree. If she says "my boyfriend" instead of the guy's name, she's telling you flat out that the guy is her boyfriend and not just a good "friend".I still believe that a girl with a boyfriend who mentions having one is NOT interested in you at all (double for girls WITHOUT BFs who mention having them). If she flirts with you, your ATTENTION WH0RE alarm should be going off. If she shows signs of interest (such as staring at you a lot, getting flustered when she encounters you, etc.) she probably has an "illegitimate" crush on you, but is still in love with her borefriend. There's this girl that I know here that's like that exactly, by the way. This is really frustrating because you know that she'd go for you if she wasn't already taken. I just try to find girls without borefriends. It's much easier and better in every way. BGMan IP: |
Master Don Juan
posted 07-22-2002 01:35 PM
I wish I had known this a while ago. This hot chick was giving me all the buying signs for like an hour or two at a party. Then she lays the bf line on me, I ended up never calling her and the next time I saw her(single) she gave me the complete cold shoulder. ------------------ The very first step to becoming what you want to be is to accept all responsibility for the situation you are in. in short: quit whining!!!!!!!!! Why should I care about her, because she looks good? She has given me no reason to care yet. screw what's right, do what works. IP: |
Master Don Juan
posted 07-22-2002 01:46 PM
Comote:There are a few possibilities here: 1) She wanted to get some no-strings-attached sex (i.e. a one-night stand), but she didn't want to be your girlfriend. 2) She's an ATTENTION WH0RE who was p!ssed that you actually had brains and didn't fall for her bullshytt. 3) She's a stupid girl who thinks that the BF line will net her a guy by making him want her. If a sensible girl really likes you, she wouldn't risk discouraging you by saying she has a boyfriend. 4) She's trying to make her boyfriend jealous because he did something to tick her off (for any here who have seen "Orange County", you'll know exactly what I'm talking about); she's testing HIM and has no interest in YOU. Personally, I'm leaning toward #2. Unless the girl is single, she's out of consideration in my book. If she's interested in you, she'll break up with Mr. Wonderful soon enough. You did well in blowing her off. Don't fall for thinking it was a sign she's attracted to you. BGMan the Cynical Doc Love's Representative [This message has been edited by BGMan (edited 07-22-2002).] IP: |
Master Don Juan
posted 07-22-2002 03:01 PM
Hey man it is a thing of the past, I was just commenting, cause it would have been some really good sex. She was hot as hell. I never see this girl.------------------ The very first step to becoming what you want to be is to accept all responsibility for the situation you are in. in short: quit whining!!!!!!!!! Why should I care about her, because she looks good? She has given me no reason to care yet. screw what's right, do what works. IP: |
Master Don Juan
posted 07-22-2002 03:20 PM
Hey Comote, settle down. This was for EVERYBODY, but I addressed it to you because of what you said.Anyway, I think that Crowes22's advice is good if you are seeing the girl just for a night (as in Comote's case), and just want a f*ck buddy. But remember, these girls have NO integrity. They're totally unsuitable for consideration as actual girlfriends. Why? Well, she screwed around with you behind her boyfriend's back, so she'll do it to you. Now for girls that you see regularly. I'm going to pick apart Crowes22's post paragraph by paragraph. "Other than the normal signs of interest, I think the info Pook wrote there is VERY valuable in determining if her interest is real. If they haev flirted, and given you a chance to make a move, but you didn't, and then the BF talk starts or increases, rest assured she wants you and the chump is actually being used by her to get you, what a sucker! It's funny to watch this happen, so don't burst out laughing when they are giving you social proof through the chump, ok. It really is hilarious, the guy is totally cluless, and the girl too, if you already know she wants you." Again, she has NO integrity. She's probably doing the same with other guys as well. Classic ATTENTION WH0RE. I'm surprised that Crowes is falling for this! "Since wer'e on that topic, this is a way again to see if she is really interested. I've only used this once, cause it's too hard to keep from laughing, but I did pull it off this time. Here's what happened. I knew she was interested, she asked me if I was going to a bar where we all hung out regularly. Now think, she wasn't going with us, but she showed up there with the chump BF, cause she had flirted and given me chance to make a move and I didn't bite. So she is hanging al over the chump so I'll see she is desired. BTW, I ignored her hello and her most of the night. So you'll notice she'll try to get you to notice her with the chump BF. Anyway I tested her when she walked away from him to talk to a friend, leaving chump BF all alone. I didn't know him, but I bought the chump a beer and sat down to talk to him. We could not have talked more than 45 seconds before she rushed over to him, looking flustered,and whispered to him for them to leave. Now don't bust out laughing if this shyt happens to you, so prepare yourself beforehand, cause it's funny. So if she acts nervous when you and the BF are around each other, especially talikng to each other, she is really interested." CLASSIC ATTENTION WH0RE all along the line. What Crowes did by chatting up the chump BF was great; actually one of the best ways to make the slut feel guilty about what she's doing and bust her. She's afraid that you'll tell chump BF about her flirting with you, and he'll get pissed at her. I'd be laughing by arse off too. Actually, something similar happened to me. I got this one girl's phone number, but was slow to call her because she seemed to be, well, to put it delicately, of easy morals. Anyway, after a month, I saw her hanging off a guy's arm. She saw me too, and kept making eye contact with me, as if to say, "Look here. See what I have?" I almost said to her, "So you have a boyfriend. Big deal. That means I can concentrate on other women. I kinda feel sorry for HIM, I wonder how long he's going to last?" But I certainly thought that in my head. "Also kino is a superb way of guaging her interest and letting her no you are interested in a subtle way. If she returns your kino, SHE WANTS YOU! I have NEVER had a girl, BF or not, that returned my kino, that wasn't truly interested. And about her flirting and givng you a chance to make a move and you don't, this will drive her crazy, you'll be more of a challenge, and she'll be dying to have you. But don't take it too far." ATTENTION WH0RE again. You may or may not turn her on, but again, she's probably doing the same with other guys. She's addicted to male attention, just like a stud who goes and sleeps with 100 women. She should get a job in Vegas as a hooker. Oh yea, I also know that I don't talk about other girls in this situation, that's up to you. But if you have others mention you and some girl, see how your target reacts. You'll see if it really bothers her. Of course if it does, true interest. If you are around other girls take note of how she acts, she won't like it worth a shyt, even though she has a chump BF where she is getting sex from, she, through her actions, will forbid you from being with another girl." Well, as I like to say, Tough Patooties. She has a BF already. She has two choices; she should either dump him and make herself available, or stay with him and stop being upset when you see other girls. If she never dumps him, SHE WASN'T THAT INTERESTED. People who read and actually believe what Crowes wrote WILL be strung around and used by ATTENTION WH0RES unless you wake up! BGMan the Cynical Doc Love's Representative [This message has been edited by BGMan (edited 07-22-2002).] IP: |
Master Don Juan
posted 07-22-2002 08:34 PM
BGman it is all good. Didn't even give it a second thought. ------------------ The very first step to becoming what you want to be is to accept all responsibility for the situation you are in. in short: quit whining!!!!!!!!! Why should I care about her, because she looks good? She has given me no reason to care yet. screw what's right, do what works. IP: |
Master Don Juan
posted 07-23-2002 03:18 AM
BGMan wrote:People who read and actually believe what Crowes wrote WILL be strung around and used by ATTENTION WH0RES unless you wake up! Yes, it does appear there are 'attention *****s' who do all they can to get male attention. But I prefer to think of them as loving the sport rather than the fruits of the sport. They enjoy fishing but not the caught fish! Women do become more attached to guys who take their virginity and often return to them. But what crowes says is quite correct. Guys, please read the following until it gets ingrained in your head: Pook hops up to the platform and shouts: quote: Women do not know the difference between sex and respect. Women treat sex like money because women see it as a medium of exchange.
You could even cynically say that we men treat respect and money like sex since we expect it to get pregnant and reproduce. But nevertheless... But what is the point? It is this: if we are going to talk about a woman's integrity then we are going to be here forever. As much as I can see, the only reason why the lady has what we think of as 'integrity' is for her to keep her man, to honor her parents (the father especially) or because of the male virtues ingrained through religion. Remember, women do not have the appreciation for the higher codes of honor and transcendence as we men do (they only appreciate it in MALES, never in themselves). BGMan, you decry the attention *****. But feminity is exactly that. What is it that women most fear? It is to be the old maid. It is to never know the fleeting emotion known as 'love'. It is to never have known a lover. Pook holds up a Tablet. On THIS tablet we see the Male Virtues. We see things like Philosophy, Honor, and so forth. We see things like chasity in women, girls staying true to a single guy, and so on. Pook now holds up another Tablet. These are the Female Virtues. In Womaniverse, women perform a natural aristocracy based solely on who gets the most attention from men. Pook points to the top. The highest point is marriage. The married chick is always on a higher plane than any non-marriage chick in this aristocracy. She has a man bounded by her. Thus, she is womanly, she is feminine. While men dream of a day when having respect from all people in the world, women dream of their marriage day. Why? Because it is their transcendance. Pook points lower on the Tablet. We move down further and we see a pattern. The woman engaged comes next. Than, a woman who has a boyfriend. After that, a woman who is pretty and has potential for getting a male. Pook points to the bottom of the Tablet. The woman that can get no male, why, she is looked down upon as other woman and seen as a sub-human being. In a woman's eye, it is better to be a ***** than an old maid. Pook holds up the Female Tablet. What are we to learn of Womanly Virtues? Nothing. They are decadent. Men can rank themselves on who can best conquer the world while women will rank themselves on who does and can best conquer men. Male attention! These are the points to their feminine score! They are all, all attention *****s on some level! You may think that there are only some women who seek male attention, the attention wh0res, while the rest are good. This is a Nice Guy illusion (just as some women want sex while others are 'good' where, in fact, they all want it ESPECIALLY the 'Nice Girls'). ALL women crave male attention. Period! Of course a woman like that may possibly leave you for another guy. The point is that these attention 'wh0res' are following the Female Tablet's virtues. They will realize that if they want a decent man, they must start following the Male Tablet. Pook throws the Female Tablet down in an explosion of fire. Rather than trying to figure out woman (how can you figure out 'nothing'? As King Lear would say: "Nothing comes from nothing!"), let us take up this... Pook holds up the Male Tablet. And let us be Men once again. ------------------
[This message has been edited by Pook (edited 07-23-2002).] IP: |
Master Don Juan
posted 07-23-2002 12:46 PM
Hey Pook:Good to see ya. I always enjoy your posts. And thank you for your educating me on female "integrity". I guess I need a little rethinking and redefining of terms here.  Naturally, everyone should remember that women are not the same as men, protests from the feminazis that "we're all human" notwithstanding... well, never mind that there are two major forms of humans called "sexes"...  I also understand your point about females and their status (married women at the top -- anyone who's read "Pride and Prejudice" will see this easily; then engaged, then women with BFs, pretty single women, and then the ugly-as-sin women who couldn't get a guy if their lives depended on it). And I believe in the "Kitty Kats Kompete" hypothesis as well.  The "Pride and Prejudice" example I'll cite is when the youngest and stupidest sister in the Bennett family gets married (to a Jerk, naturally), when she gets back, and they go upstairs for something, she tells her sisters, "All right, I'm to go in front, for I am a married woman!" ...and they actually comply! I even will agree with Crowes ... up to a point. But our paths diverge the moment she tells you she has a boyfriend. I believe that if she never does, it's all good. Even if she does the behavior of hanging off a guy to show how desired she is, it's still good. The guy may be a chump, or even simply a friend who doesn't care who she sees. (The main reason I didn't pursue that girl mentioned in my last post because I just knew that our personalities WOULD NOT gel well.) In that case, she may be trying to get YOU by the "Tom Kats Kompete" hypothesis (the version with the sexes switched). "Come get me! Can't you see how I'm desired? I'm looking at you, need I make it any clearer?" But I believe the "my boyfriend..." line is exactly the sort of thing addressed in CHALENGE GUY's now-famous "Manipulative Cold-Hearted Man With T!ts" thread. She wants to see you squirm and sweat, to tantalize you, to give you hope and dash it on the rocks. It gives her power. "Yes, I have a boyfriend. I'm taken, haw haw, it's so nice to see that desperate look in your eyes! I'm wanted, and desired, how sweet! I'll never be single for long again!" Or if she's lying -- "Another guy who wants me! YES!! That hunk down at the gym will crack any day now!!" (THAT is what I think of when I say "Attention wh0re".) Either that, or she simply does not desire you at all, and is using the boyfriend line to gently shove you away. "Hey, I'm telling you I have a boyfriend, even though I may not in reality. You turn me off. Go away. I'd rather sleep with my dog." And here's where my definition of "integrity" comes in, and what I was thinking of before. If she is willing to cheat on her boyfriend, she is many times more likely to cheat on YOU than a girl who has never cheated on a boyfriend is. This isn't to say that the other type won't, it isn't at all. But your chances of getting a cheating slut go up vastly when you date an OGG (an-Other Guy's Girlfriend). (BTW, just last night I got the number of this one girl who typically receives tons of male attention; complete with the hanging-off-a-guy shtick. But she never mentioned a boyfriend, and she seemed interested, so I went for it! Slam dunk!) BGMan the Cynical [This message has been edited by BGMan (edited 07-23-2002).] IP: | |